Our Blog
Monarchs of The Deep, Sperm Whales
In the ocean's depths, Sperm whales, the Monarchs of The Deep, battle Colossal squids and fertilize the seas through their unique role in the ecosystem. Despite past whaling, these giants now face new threats from fisheries and deep-sea mining. AI is decoding their complex language, revealing remarkable intelligence. As we uncover more about these majestic creatures, it's crucial we act to protect them from human harm.
Reese Halter: Get Outta Oceans
Reece Halter discusses fisheries as a leading cause of the Sixth Mass Extinction.
Maldives and the Scourge of the Ocean
David Cousins and Simon Hayward recount their experiences of ocean bound plastic in a remote area of the Maldives.
David Cousins: Welcome to Ocean Country Radio Interview
Listen to David Cousins discussing the 2022 ‘Welcome to Ocean Country’ with Radio Northern Beaches.
Age of Extinction: Massacring Sharks Won’t Rid COVID-19
The pharmaceutical gold rush to invent an antidote for the highly infectious airborne coronavirus 2 (SARS- coV-2) pandemic…
Bill Fulton: Following Whales
Living Ocean’s Plastic Free July event will be held on July 19th-20th 2020 and will include a Recycled Fashion Show…
Manmade Noise Uproots Sea Grasses, Hastens Climate Catastrophe
About 72 species of sea grasses are nature’s protective chainmail that filter land runoff, boost water quality, recharge aquifers…
Reese Halter: Insane Fossil Fuel Ecocide
Earth is roasting right before our very eyes.
The heatwaves in Siberia and Lapland have begun with fury, again. Alaska recorded its hottest spring on record. It’s warming at 2.2C (3.96F), or, twice that of continental United States.
12 months with an electric car
I am often asked where I get my design inspiration from, and the answer is simple. From my earliest childhood memory I have been…
Steve Maxwell: Visions of life as an adventure
I grew up on the Northern Beaches of Sydney all my life but now reside in the Snowy Mountains. Some special places to shoot down there in the Kosciusko National Park, with its amazing waterfalls, snowscapes and of course our famous snowy mountain brumbies.
Polluted Oceans, Dead Dolphins
Each year, 400,000 cetaceans are destroyed. We are knowingly sentencing our brothers and sisters to extinction. Yet, our fate is inexorably linked to theirs.
Jake Parker: Spiritual Images of our Ocean Planet
My focus when I’m filming or taking photos is nature. I want people to see the beauty and importance of the very things that give us life, we are nothing without nature but nature is everything without us.
Sonic Cannons Shatter Famed Aussie Whale Nursery
The Great Australian Bight is home to endangered pygmy blue whales, southern right whales and southern bluefin tunas. It’s an essential feeding ground for sea lions, great white sharks, migratory sperm whales and short-tailed shearwaters. 85 percent of all the marine species that are found in the Bight occur nowhere else on the globe.
400,000 Whales, Dolphins, Porpoises Destroyed Annually
The fate of our brethren, the highly intelligent and sensitive cetaceans (whales, dolphins, porpoises), is very grim. The hideous man-made Sixth Mass Extinction is accelerating more than 1,000 times faster than the previous five others.
Alice Forrest: How You Can Help Our Oceans
The Future Of The Ocean: A Positive View. The Five Biggest Impacts Facing Our Oceans, plus Five Easy Ways You Can Make A Difference.
Bill Fulton: A day in paradise… or is it?
Bill Fulton, Living Ocean Marine Research Director, Volunteers with Dr. Jen Lavers on Lord Howe Island to assist in assessing the impact of plastics in Shearwater populations. Living Oceans funds some of this research with donations from its members and trust funds…
Pressing a Greener Juice
Running your own business is no mean feat and doing it with a bub in tow is a whole ‘nother kettle of fish. So I can’t help but be in total awe of local mum and entrepreneur Anne, who not only started her cold pressed juicing business Prodjuice shortly after the arrival of her daughter, but managed to do this with an environmentally conscious stance.
Be the Change: Meet Wonder Mum Mav
I am so moved by the recent surge of interest within our local community to not only use less plastic on a day to day basis, but to change our approach to living, making more sustainable lifestyle decisions…