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Micro & Macro Plastics Guest User Micro & Macro Plastics Guest User

The last straw

Plastic straw use is generating extreme waste for unnecessary convenience. In recent times we have come to expect straws in our drinks when we dine out (even though we rarely use them when we stay in). In the US alone more straws than there are people get thrown out each day according to the Last Plastic Straw.

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Marine Animal Behaviour Guest User Marine Animal Behaviour Guest User

Kim Hubner: Humpback Whale Migration Research

Saturday dawned bright and clear. Blue skies, light wind and minimal swell. A most perfect day to be out on the Ocean. The Living Ocean Marine research team led by Bill Fulton met on board MV SALT for our Humpback Whale Migration Research trial run and were thrilled when skipper Mark Farrell announced it was a perfect day to look for whales, so training would continue offshore.

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